I am just wondering why I...as witness number 1 in the hearing...my written testimony is excluded. This account is not what happened at all. It is far from transparent. Also missing is the testimony from Gloria Berry. And texts from an anonymous volunteer that were presented during my testimony that showed that people were lying in the meeting. Is this transparent? Where is all that?? In fact, I think there were more people who sumbmitted testimony in suppot of Shahid that seems to not be in the folder. Was it just not presented to the group? Were people misled? Was it deleted aftwards? What is going on here? Can't you just make a clear statement that you never had any evidence that Shahid Buttar sexually assualted someone, and you will remove Jasper Wilde permanently from the group for making that assertion with no proof as it engages in racial prejudice that goes against the standards of your group? Failure to do anything less than that is by omission standing by a false allegation of sexual assault. And that is racist.
The accusations against Shahid 1. He sexually assaulted someone (a claim that was never actually made by any woman, a harassment claim was made and vetted as false by many reporters, but still being perpetuated by SF progressives) 2. He was inappropriate with volunteers (disputed by the volunteers involved themselves) 3. He was a bad boss were specifically presented together so the public would conflate them all. This was strategically done using PR methods I recognize very easily. No journalist should have been duped by this.
Berniecrats never came out with a reason for downgrading him. So people assumed it was sexual assault. They did not say we downgraded him because he was a bad boss. That was never made clear. They need to appologize and make it clear.
If bad boss was the reason for unendorsement downgrade, then why didn’t they unendorse Bernie who was accused of same thing? Or Chesa for that matter? When I asked that question Brandon said I was speaking nonsense, called me a harasser and blocked me. I think it is a reasonable ask. Especially since Bernie was particularly called a bad boss when he hired Jane Kim.
I also have worked with Shahid very directly as a woman on the team for a year and a half. I like working with him. He is not a bad boss nor a sexist one. Bad boss is just what the clubs settled on because every other claim was so obviously false. They couldn’t come up with anything else. I can go line by line through Jasper’s piece beginning with 13 people left the team and point out lie by lie—each time hurting other women. She used her White lesbian status to mobilize LGBT club leadership toward racism. And that is the point Shahid was making in his video.
Still, being a bad boss is not a reason to label someone a sexual predator. The one presenting the accusation of sexual assault was Jasper Wilde. She states sexual assault in her medium piece. That is where it came from. She is the only one who ever said sexual assault. She later deleted it after the unendorsement. But it was too late because that narrative was already sold to club members who voted without having accurate info. It was released on the day of the DSA vote for a reason. Jasper had no active NDA preventing her from speaking because I saw the legal counsel note sent from the lawyer to Mission Local.
Brandon tweeted before the meeting that he believed Jasper because they had worked together with Jane Kim.
I was witness number 1 on the agenda at the hearing Brandon speaks about. My testimony was about believing women and what that means as a survivor myself. I don’t know why I would have been talking about sexual assault if that was not the subject of the meeting.
I am speaking now because Brandon continues to say it was never discussed when I was there. It was discussed. It was a traumatizing moment because I came forward for the first time with my own story of childhood rape. I would not have done that for no reason at all. The way I have been treated as a long time Bernie activist, a survivor, or even just a human being is ridiculous.
He talks about an erasure of people of color to say that his club upheld white supremacy. It shows he doesn’t understand how white supremacy works. People of color can uphold white supremacy. False accusations by white women toward brown men is white supremacy. Period. It doesn’t matter who spreads the rumor. There is not “color” and “not color” when it comes to race—there is racism among all kinds of races—as we have seen between black and Asian communities lately. It is not about color or race. It is about systemic issues like false accusations of people of color. Jasper admits she lied about sexual assault and was never banned from the club. She was promoted in the Milk Club to board member. The coverage was never corrected. And in fact won a press club award based on pure false info. Knowingly because I gave plenty of info it was false and was not believed. It is traumatizing.
Frankly, failure to understand the racism here in false accusations means these people don’t get why we are even supporting Chesa at all. Saying move or get a life is the racist and sexist part. That is what they don’t get.